Healing Touch Therapeutic Massage
Frequency therapy - PEMF MAS mat

Frequency therapies are used to help bridge the gaps in the current Health Care system and to help manage wellness. 


Effects of Magnetic Frequencies & Waveforms

Electron Flow In and Through Your Body

Magnets are said to be the oldest healing devices on earth. Time Varied Electromagnetic Fields have positive effects on the human body and through their variations of frequency, intensity and waveform shape - extraordinary things happen. This has been proven by a multitude of scientific studies which have resulted in FDA approvals for their use on humans. How it effects the body depends upon the intricacies of the fields. In general, well-being and balance will result through:

1. Better Blood Flow
Thermo-graphic imaging show pulsating magnetic fields can enlarge blood vessels to help circulate blood flow through veins to the smallest arteries and capillaries.  Better blood circulation provides a better nutrient supply, reactivates the cells, removes blockages and helps to eliminate waste. 
2. Increased Oxygen Supply
Constant Sine-waves (CW) can encourage high oxygen supply in the lungs and therefore gives enriched oxygen to the tissues. Body defense immune systems are made active so that illness and intrusions to the system can be minimized.
3. Detoxification
Heavy metals in the brain, toxins, waste products that are lodged in the cells of vital organs and small and large intestines are mobilized and eliminated through the various exit pathways of the body. ​

4. Assimilation of Minerals and Vitamins
Paramagnetic minerals and trace elements like copper, molybdenum, cobalt and magnesium are stimulated into bio-energetic resonance from:
Direct influence on pathological processes through induction and release from pulsating magnetic fields.
Indirect influence on pathological processes through special energy systems, which are set free by reactive conditioning of the organisms based on the influence of the duration of exposure to magnetic fields.
Enlargement of the cell interfacial permeability will result in a significantly increased utilization of oxygen. This positive reaction can be achieved through a particular pulsating magnetic field strength and is proven by several scientific studies. The earth’s magnetic field intensity is approximately 0.4 gauss and the average peak harmonic is known as the Schumann resonance at 7.83 hertz. 
5. ION Transport
Ion flow is enhanced through pulsating magnetic fields according to the pulsation rate. The interfacial potential and oxygen partial pressure are increased up to 800%. The voltage potential of the cell is optimized at 70mV which provides better conductivity for neural pathways. Blockages in the nervous system which had caused pain sensors to activate are released, pain is removed and healing can occur. 

Frequency therapy is often found in Austrian clinics that offer massage, acupuncture, laser light, physical therapy, chelation and other related alternative treatments.  In the US, electromagnetic therapy is approved by the FDA for nonunion bone fractures, depression and wound healing.  


Observed Reactions To PEMF Therapy, Unexpected Reactions Can Be Positive

Herxheimer Reactions
Electromagnetic Field Therapy can return vitality to a damaged organ after many years of malfunction. This healing process could express itself as exhaustion and severe sleep to allow the body to heal itself. Sleep is good. Frequency therapy not only relieves the pain symptoms but aids to remove the root cause of the illness which is often from environmental toxins. In the cleaning detox phase, various accompanying symptoms might occur temporarily. Sometimes feeling bad is good! It shows that the magnetic field therapy is working. The most common reactions are:
Can occur as a result of detoxing and the symptoms are among the most common first reactions of aggravation. 
Increase in Pain
This is as a result of the pain-conducting fibers experiencing sensory overload or saturation.
Taste Sensation
More and less taste sensitivity is a sign of positive influence of the sensory fibre parts in the brain.
Visual Disturbance
As a result of toxins moving throughout the body.

Skin Reactions
Are an indication of high perspiration and detoxification. The circulatory system might choose to bypass the liver and intestinal excretory organs and use the skin as the "third kidney”.
Blood Pressure Fluctuation
Can occur due to the search for a desired resting target state, based on the current disordered state. Blood pressure medication should be continued as prescribed and consult your doctor often.
As a way of getting rid of body poison quickly. ​
Drink much clean, pure, spring water!

Can also be observed as a reaction of the organism that is experiencing a high toxic load.
Reinforced / Odorous Excretions 
By stimulating the secretion through the intestine, kidney, skin, lung, vaginal fluid and saliva.
Menstrual Changes 
During normalization of the biorhythms, it can lead to changes in the duration and timing of the menstruation. It eventually will lead towards a restoration of the cycle. ”


The above are Excerpts from
Frequency Therapy
Robert W Connolly
This material may be protected by copyright.


Frequency therapies are used to help bridge the gaps in the current Health Care system  and to help manage wellness. 

MAS mat is a stand alone session in a quiet space to be still and be bathed in healthy electromagnetic frequencies. With the addition of Pyradym, there will be an option in the future to use head phones while on the MAS mat. 

Please watch the video below for an overview of both tools and also visit these links for even more information.

Learn more about the Pyradym by clicking the link for the Pyradym Website (click here) 

Learn more about the MAS Mat by clicking the link for the MAS Mat Webiste (click here)


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -- Nikola Tesla.

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